Other SneakerBlossom Books

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Once Upon a Sunny, Windy, and Rainy Day is a whimsical short story created to help children learn their shapes and colors. My grandmother, who always wanted to add "writer" to her biography, and her husband, an artist, created this handwritten book for her kindergarten students (she taught from 1950 to the 1972). With very little editing, I have reformatted her book into something that could be published for today's market. While it lacks the polish of a formally published work, it is a happy and old-fashioned story that will delight young learners.

Also included is the very, very short story, "The Little Line had Fun One Day". It can be used to help children learn how to draw different types of lines.

This book is dedicated to the seven great-grandchildren of Gladys Andersen, and to the kindergarten classes of 1950-1972 at Mountain View Elementary in Northern California.